Thursday, February 7, 2008


Good morning everyone. We were so relieved when Shawna came out of surgery yesterday. It took quite some time to be able to see her. When we did, we were initially shocked. Her facial swelling had returned. This was easily explained though as she had been laying down flat for 6 hrs plus and immobile. Deb Darryl and I were very content just to have a 2 minute glimpse of her before shift chang at 700 pm. When we finally could be with her again at 930 pm, we were met by the head ICU doctor who explained all that had been done. The blood filter had been installed and the digestive tract fully examined. Shawnas abdominal muscles had been brought back together. To fascilitate that they had to "loosen" them at the sides of her rib cage. There was still a bit too much pressure when they joined them and the doctor felt it was in her best interest to completely immobilize her. Shawna will be completely paralized for 24 - 48 hrs to eliminate any movement till the swelling and fluids stabilize in her body especially in her brain. She will also be sedated so she doesn't know she's paralized. Again this is a dangerous time in her treatment as we have regressed a bit in her responses and it will be quite some time till we are again at the level of response attained so far. We are very happy though that the operation could take place as Shawna's abdomin was open for 12 days and very prone to infection. Although the danger for infection is still there iit has been lessened. It will be another 24 hrs till they feed Shawna throught he feeding tube they have placed. She is now receiving her oxygen through the traceotomy. It is a happy moment to see her beautiful face without tubes hanging from her mouth. We are sure there is more comfort for her as well as she showed some voluntary movements of her neck and head as if she was upset by the tubes going through her throat. We will go to see her again this morning but she is so completely under that she will not be able to sense us. This is a small blessing for us as we take some "time off" to make some preparaions and go to the wedding rehearsal. Again we can see God's timing and care in our lives that we can carry on with the other beautiful moments he has given. Thankyou once again for your prayers for Shawna during her operation. God bless and keep you all. Al and Deb


Anonymous said...

Dear Deb and Al, Daryl and families: Thanks for posting so faithfully. This blog is such a wonderful reminder for all of us of the prayerful support we are blessed with when our families are affected by accidents or disease. You are often in our thoughts and regularly in our prayers. We wish you a blessed day on Saturday. Clarence and Tammy Blokhuis, Jesse, Tania, Josh, Natalie and Seth.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your faithful updates! It is a joy, every day, to read about how God is working and to rejoice in His faithfulness. Truly we can see that in all things God works for good, for throughout this time thousands have confessed their trust in Him and have brought honour and praise to His Name! We continue to pray for daily small miracles. May you have a blessed and indeed, also joyful, time of preparation for the wedding. We marvel at how our Father shows us that He blesses us with joys and sorrows, all for His glory and our growth in faith.
Sincerely, James and Miriam Slaa and Daniel, Timothy, Matthew, Hannah, Calvin, Sarah (Strathroy)

Anonymous said...

Good morning Deb and Al and family

Glad to her that some progress can be made for Shawna -even though it may seem like one step forward two steps back - but so goes the journey of life. We are comforted knowing that our heavanly Father has her in the palm of His hand! You are in our thoughts constantly - see you this weekend

Love Marlene and Jack and family

Anonymous said...

Dear family, and those who love Shawna: What a blessing another day is, God truly does hear our humble prayers! We wish you a blessed day on Saturday. God bless you all and give you everything thta you need for the days ahead. We continue to hold you before the throne of grace in our prayers. love Bob and Diane

Anonymous said...

Hello, everyone. God so clearly has everything in control! And He has graciously allowed you to see even the temporary setbacks with Shawna as gifts from Him. He is so faithful! We wish you all a blessed weekend, especially on Saturday. Congratulations!
Pete and Janese VanderBrugghen and family.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your regular updates, we follow it daily.
We continue to see how the Lord helps and comforts His children when they need it most.
Be assured that Shawna and all of you are always in our thoughts and prayers.
May the Lord bless the efforts of the doctors.
Love, George and Ella

Anonymous said...

Continue to trust in Him. He will provide all you stand in need of. We too wish you a day of celebration and joy on Saturday.
Bert & Anne Van Straten

Anonymous said...

Dear Sahwnas loved ones
Thank you for keeping us informed, all of us seem to not be able to wait for anything about Shawnas condition. Cannot imagine what it is like for you to wait for a new report from the doctors.
We are so thankful that you can see and show all of us Gods Almighty hand in progress, and set backs. The doctors must also see that you are being carried by something more than human strength. May God work through you by His Holy spirit to be able to keep up the witnessing All glory go to Him.
We all hope that you may enjoy the rehearsal. He carries you all in these difficult circumstances, while dealing with that gives you joy. Becca and Shawn we wish you the Lords blessing on this important day coming up in your lives. Go with Him and keep Him in the centre of your lives.
We wish everybody strength as you certainly will deal with some mixed emotions.
We wish you peace and strength from above
Brian and Ina van Andel

Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie and Allan and Family,
What a long day it must of been for you yesterday. Again you are always and in our thoughts and prayers.
Jennifer, Jordan and Sam

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates. May God be with you all during the next few days. You are daily in our thoughts and prayers. Wishing you a nice day on Saturday. May our heavenly Father give you all you need, and continue to trust in Him.
Gary and Cindy Wieske and family.

Anonymous said...

Dear Deb & Al, Darryl & families.

We continue to pray for Shawna and the rest of you. You are in our thoughts and prayers; in the morning when we rise and at night before we retire. May the LORD be with you on Saturday as you may witness the love and vows of Rebecca & Shaun. Let us remember Ecclesiastes 3:4
"A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance."
Everything is in His time and in His hands. What joy and comfort you may have in this. What an awesome God we have!

Love Ed and Alice Kelly and family

Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie and Alan, siblings, Daryl, thanks for putting the time aside to update us on this blog. Your positive attitude and dependence on God truly shows that His children can be thankful in all circumstances. Your strength and faith must be an inspiration to the doctors and other hospital staff. May God continue to bless your family.
Bob and Freda, family

Rickand Denise said...

Dear Al, Deb and family: Thank you for your beautiful postings done so faithfully. Your love for God and for your daughter shines through and the calming presence of the Holy Spirit is so evident in your words. How amazing is it that through pain and suffering there is the ability to see His caring ways! We continue to pray daily for Shawna and for all of you that He will guide and keep you. Please rest physically as well and know that your christian family is keeping you all in our thoughts and prayer. Rick and Denise

Anonymous said...

Dear Al & Deb and Darryl and all those who love Shawna.

We cannot imagine the anxiety you must be experiencing as you wait for the next doctor to tell you more news. We check this blog many times a day to check--to see how God is answering every ones prayers. And each day we see God's answers through your blogs-your updates that are so centred around God's love and faithfulness to His people. We continue to uphold each and everyone of you in prayer and we pray that God will continue to bless the hands of the doctors and to grant recovery to Shawna and bring you all peace. We also pray that Rebecca's wedding on Saturday will be joyful and blessed.
John and Amanda
Kelvin, Nolan and Zachariah
P.S. Our children have added Shawna's name to their bedtime prayers!

Anonymous said...

Dear Al, Debbie, Darryl & families:

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" Phil 4:4

Enjoy this "time out" knowing that Shawna is healing in her "rest". Thoughts and prayers continue each day anew from your family in Christ. With love,

Dennis, Marg & family

Tim and Elly Hutten said...

While we were enjoying having the kids home for a snowday, we was not able to read the latest blog entries and were very impatient to catch up on the latest news. Shawna and all of you have gone through a lot again in the last few days and we thank the Lord with you that also this operation was possible. We continue to pray for each of you at home, in church and at school.
May you have a blessed day on Saturday, as you celebrate with Rebecca and Shawn the start of their lives as husband and wive to God's glory.
Tim and Elly Hutten and family.

Lead Thou me, for I abide Thee;
Come and guide me
To the rock for me too high;
Thou my refuge, great in power,
Art my tower
When the enemy is nigh
Psalm 61:2 book of praise

Anonymous said...

Family Bethlehem and Hoeksma

Continuing to carry your needs before God's throne of grace. May you have a enjoyable day Saturday as you also see the Lord's blessings. May God grant courage, strength, and trust.
Peter and Benita Boerema and family

Anonymous said...

Dear al, Deb, Darryl and families,

Once again we see God's hand at work. We are thankful for the results that He has given thus far. Indeed, each new day is a miracle for Shawna.

As you prepare for Rebecca's wedding on Saturday, our Father has also given Shawna this time to recuperate from her surgery. May you see His special blessing in this.

Psalm 121

1 I lift up my eyes to the hills — where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip — He who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD watches over you — the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD will keep you from all harm — He will watch over your life;
8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

You remain in our thoughts and prayers.

Arend and Willa Dale Smid

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethlehems & loved ones of Shwana
Thank-you for the faithful updates.It is so great to see God answers our prayers by contiunally granting you strength to update this blog. Our prayers our contiually with your family during this week . We thank the Lord that He has allowed Shwana to return to the ICU. All the best for the days ahead. Have an enjoyable Staurday as you can witness the marriage of your daughter. Our weddding text always come to mind when we think of your family. Ecc. 7;14a "When times are good be glad, But when times are bad consider GOD has made the one as well as the other."
The Lords blessings Herman & Jolene DeHaan

Anonymous said...

Dear Al & Deb and Shawna's loved ones:
Thank you for your faithful updates. It reminds us that when we feel ineffective God is working faithfully. We hope that Rebecca's wedding is a blessing and that you may have a wonderful day. We continue to lift you up to our Father in heaven, praying for every small miracle that you receive from His hand.
Ralph & Jane Vis
Jaden Keegan & Ariel

Andy and Tina said...

Dear Al and Deb and loved ones of Shawna:
Each day as we begin our day, our first thoughts and prayers are for you and yours, and each evening before we go to sleep again, it is never from our minds. We pray that our Heavenly Father will continue to give her healing as we go one , one day at the time.
At this time we also want to congratulate Rebecca and Shaun, as they aproach their wedding day this Saturday. We wish you a blessed day together, and may you feel the Lord's nearness Saturday, and every day of your life. We wish you all as family a wonderful day of celebration.
with love from the van Ykens

Anonymous said...

Al and Debbie and the whole family,
We continue to pray that the Lord gives you strength to face each day in the quiet trust that all is well in His hands. Best wishes and congratulations for Saturday. Matthew and Gertie VanLuik

Anonymous said...

Al, Deb, Shawna and family;
We have been keeping up with your updates day after day. We thank the Lord with you for the progress that has been made.
We are thinking about you all daily and pray that the Lord will grant healing. Take, care.
Jeff and Melissa Kamstra

Anonymous said...

Mr and Mrs Bethlehem,
It is so encouraging for us to see the strength God has granted you through this trial. We are reminded once again of His power and infinite love. We know that Shawna is in His hands and all we can do is trust and pray. Our prayers are with you and your family. May God bless you and keep you and may His face shine upon you.
John and Kim Harsevoort, Olivia and Aaron.

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethlehem and Hoeksema Families, Thank you for the updates about Shawna, which have reached us here in Geneva Switzerland: my prayers and thoughts are with you, as are those of my congregation (Lausanne Free Church), and Biblestudy group in Geneva. May God grant you the patience to persevere through this ordeal. In Christ,
Harold Sikkema

Kristen Alyssa Buist said...

Uncle Al & Aunt Debbie
Thankyou for all the updates.

I am still praying like I always have for Shawna.

I hope you guys have a wonderful day at the wedding for Becky; and of course all my prayers are with you.

Kristen ♥
"Keep me safe, O God,
for in you I take refuge"
Psalm. 16:1

Anonymous said...

To the Bethlehem & Poort families especially Shaun & Rebecca:
Our thoughts are with you as you prepare for the wedding. We are thankful that you can celebrate with the confidence that God has Shawna's plan in place already and that no matter what - it is a good plan.
Enjoy the day,
Wayne & Jane & the rest