Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thursday (day35)

Good evening all. Shawna is having a restfull day. Nothing new to report. She is still moving her arms and toes etc. Its a beautiful thing to see. She changed rooms last night because the room she was in (we were spoiled) was a single bed isolation room and someone needed to be in isolation. Now she's in a room with two other patients. The patient next to her is the same one who was with her in ICU. Nothing changes, he's still trying to climb out of bed. Only now he's tied down even though he's heavily sedated. She is receiving a quite a few visitors plus the noise next bed keeps her pretty awake. We are asking that you do not visit her from 3pm to 5pm as she will be resting after being in her neuro chair and its very important that she has down time to rest. We remain thankful and patient with what the Lord has given us. Thankyou for your messages and prayers. Al and Deb


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your continuous posts on how Shawna is progressing. We Thank the Lord for holding Shawna in His care day in and day out. May He fill you with the patience needed in a time like this.
God Bless,
The Watsons

Anonymous said...

Its amazing that Shawna is beginning to move again. That must be so exciting for all of you and for her. I'm so happy to hear that she is ever-improving. Shawna and all of you are in ours prayers.
Alisha & Ryan

Anonymous said...

What a blessing it is to hear Shawna is making such great improvements. We continue to remember Shawna and all her loved ones in our daily prayers. May the Lord continue to be with you all during this difficult time.
Wim and Joanne and family

Anonymous said...

What overwhelming progress the last few days! We are praying that the Lord continues to work His miracles in this precious child of His! Continuing to pray for her continued recovery and that your family may receive all they need to support her.

Love Marlene and Jack and family

Anonymous said...

We are thinking of you always and praying for Shawna and all of you daily. May our Heavenly Father continue to give you patience and hope as Shawna continues to show signs of improvement. Our God is a God of miracles and he's shown how powerful He is in Shawna's healing so far! It's been a long road for all of you and we pray the Lord will continue to give you the strength you need for each new day to be there for Shawna.
Thanks so much for taking the time to keep us updated!
Jason & Corinne, Mitchell, Morgan, Kaitlyn, Dylan and Karlee Jonker

Andy and Tina said...

Dear Bethlehem Family, and Darryl.
Every day we read the blog and we stand amazed at how much progress Shawna is making. Also we realize that you as family of Shawna are getting the strength and courage to continue each day on the task that the Lord has placed before you. It is such a blessing to know that God always gives us each day what we are in need of. That in itself is a MIRACLE of His Grace and Love for His children. We thank you so much for finding time and energy each and every day to keep us all up-dated on Shawna's steps towards recovery. Our daily prayers continue each day. May the Lord continue to guide and keep you all in His care.
With love fro the van Ykens.

Anonymous said...

Bethlehem's and Darryl
We are so happy to hear the positive news about Shawna!!! May these improvements continue! We can see the Hand of the LORD at work.
Love John, Mary, Chris and Amanda, and all the rest of our extended family

Anonymous said...

As we travel to Hamilton General Hospital and see and hold Shawna's hand and reactions we commend her to our heavenly Father and we know that this precious covenant child is in His care and we may be rest assured He holds her in the palms of His Hands . We thank the Lord that is Deb and Als comfort and also Daryl, who must miss her so much. we indeed belong with body and soul to our Lord Jesus Christ !What a comfort !
Dad Grandpa
Marc Buist

Anonymous said...

Al and Debbie and family
We rejoice with you in the progress Shawna is making and we lay her and her needs before the throne of God. We continue to pray for you all and ask God to surround you with His grace.
Bill and Rolean Aasman and family