Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sunday. (Day31)

Good evening all. After a night of uneasy rest Deb phoned me from the hospital to tell me that Shawna had a very good nights sleep. She was in a very deep sleep. Her lungs breathed slow and deep and her heart was beating nice and slowly. Later on when I came to the hospital after worship services Deb filled me in on what had happened today. More of her reflex actions for her eyes are now present. When Deb did the physio work her eyes were trying to open approx halfway(not that she's conscious). There has also been a lot of body part movement starting with fingers, a bit on arms and slightly on legs and toes. Later when we saw her she was tired and starting to sleep again. In this room there is no hustle and bustle and at night everything is dark. It is definitly a better rest for her. They will be keeping her in the step down for quite a while and she is placed right in front of the nurses station. They keep a very close eye on her. In this respect Deb feels very comfortable to come home for the nights to be with us. Again we as family witness the blessings God has given us today. God bless you all as you remember us in prayer. Al. And Deb


Anonymous said...

Hi Al and Debbie and Family,

Its nice to be able to keep up with Shawna through this blog. We do keep you and your family in our prayers. It was good to see you in church and we're sorry we missed the opportunity to speak with you personally. We continue to wish you strength through this time.

God's Blessings,

John, Francine and Family

Anonymous said...

It is hard for us to believe that it has been 31 days, but we are sure it must seem much longer for you. We are so happy to read your blog every day and learn of more progress in Shawna's recovery. We were glad to read that Deb feels comfortable enough to go home in the evening. All of you need to stay healthy for Shawna!

You remain in our thoughts and prayers.

Arend and Willa Dale Smid

Anonymous said...

Hello Bethlehems and Darryl

Thank you so much for doing these daily postings. It is amazing to see how mych support and care Shawna and your families are recieving from doctors and friends and from our heavenly Father.
You are always in our thoughts and prayers.

Lori Oosterhoff and Rob deJong
Edmonton, AB

P.S. Belated congratulations to Rebecca and Shawn.

Tim and Elly Hutten said...

We continue to pray for each of you and are so thankful that we are able to stay in touch by way of the blog. May the Lord grant you all you stand in need of each and every day.
Tim and Elly Hutten and family

Anonymous said...

Dear Al and Deb and family,
We've been keeping up with the blog, and praise God for the progress he's given thus far. It seems unbelievable that a month has gone by.Deb you must be so tired, and your whole family seems to be on an emotional rollercoaster between weddings, engagements, and Shawna's accident. Yet, we can see how God has sustained you all. What a testimony to the fact that "(we) can do all things through Him who strengthens (us)". We will continue to pray for Shawna's progress, and renewed strength for all of you.
Jeff and Evelyn Dykstra and family

Anonymous said...

All, Debbie, Darryl and Family. The last thing I do every day, is checking this blogg. No that is not the last thing. We lift you up in prayer, before the throne of God. We are so thankful for the progress she is showing. We too have spend many hours at the bedside of our daughter. For her is was a slowly going down. And yet, for all of us it was the sure knowledge of her being in God's hands that kept us going. She herself had told us:"Whether I live or whether I die, I am in God's hands" Through all the worry, through all the sorrow, we knew this with such a certainty. He will shelter Shawna and you all under His wings.

Andy and Gerda Vandenhaak

Anonymous said...

Dear Al,Debbie and family:
We constantly keep Shawna and the family in prayer. The Lord is good, He carries you through your time of need ( I often think of the famous "Footprints poem")
May He continue to grant healing and also bless you with strength and patience.
In Christian love:
Ben & Anita Poort

Andy and Tina said...

Dear Al and Deb, Darryl and family .
Again we could read on the blog of the progress Shawna is making. How wonderful to hear, and how great it is that through this technology we can all keep in touch with you and we thank you for your daily up-keeps for us. May our heavenly Father also in this week again give you His strength and His power, so that you may continue to walk the path He has chosen in His wisdom to walk for you and yours.
Wil and Katie: congratulations on your engagement. We sure hope that Amanda will be able to stay in Canada long enough to be in your bridal party as planned.
Have a blessed day everyone.
love, the van Ykens

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethlehem family,
I'm glad to find this blogspot for Shawna. Our family will also be praying for continued healing for Shawna and strength, courage and faith for all of you. May our Father continue to carry you all through this difficult time.
Bob and Debbie Johnson (deBoer) and girls.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for continually updating us with these posts. They are very benifical for those of us who don't know what is going on.

God be you. Our prayers are with you.

The Bremer family