Friday, February 15, 2008

Friday day22

Good afternoon all. It almost seems sureal that its been exactly 3 weeks in a couple of minutes to the time of Shawnas accident. When we see where we are now and look back at the progres that God has done for his child Shawna we stand in awe and express our profound gratitude to our Creater. God be praised
Last night Shawna continued on with a little less help from the respirator and they turned her pain meds back by half. This caused a higher heart rate for her as she had to work to breathe now. This morning they turned it back up again to give her a rest. They are talking about taking the last support tube to the right lung outand may have already done it. Last night they also started to feed her food through the stomach drain which is in her mouth. The two tubes they pulled from her left lung yesterday showed signs of infection and thus it was a very good thing they came out. The white blood cell count has risen a bit probably because of this. Her temperature has been steady. This afternoon they tested and the food had been absorbed into the stomach which means another critical body function is again working. This makes it possible to feed Shawna through the feeding tube and remove the last tube in her mouth which drains stomach bile.
When Deb assisted(while I watched) with physiotherapy to keep joints moving it was seen that Shawna still was very flexible in all joints and only one ankle(the one that had been damaged) showed signs of tightening up. These range of motion exercises are done two times daily to keep joints loose.
We continue to place our daughter's needs before God's throne. We also continue to thank you for your many prayers and messages. Al and Deb


Anonymous said...

Dear Al & Debbie & family:
How amazing to see how far Shawna has healed since 3 weeks ago! We can only stand in awe of such a powerful God who upholds each of you and us during these difficult days! We continue to commend you all before God's throne and pray for strength and patience and for further healing.
With much love, Ed & Lorraine & family.

Anonymous said...

Deal Al, Debbie, Darryl & families:

Simply...amazing grace! From "baby steps" to leaps and bounds, many prayers said and many tears shed. Tears of joy, for we know that you know as children of God, no matter how a day unfolds, everything will be okay. For God alone is faithful to His promises. His love is shown to you and through you as your family in Christ reaches out to you and reads Shawna's blog. We are thankful with you and for you as we continue to pray..."for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him" (Matt. 6:8b) What comfort!

With love, Dennis, Marg & family

Anonymous said...

Dear Al, Debbie, Darryl and families,
We rejoice with you at Shawna's progress. How good the Lord is! When I think of you Psalm 27 vs 6 comes to mind.
How I would have despaired in my affliction
If I had not believed that in this life
The Lord would show His goodness, His protection;
I would have perished in my tears and strife.
Wait for the Lord; be strong and undismayed.
The LORD is faithful. Why then be afraid?
Take courage for His steadfast love is sure.
Wait for the LORD; His mercy shall endure.
May He continue to grant you courage and patience.
Praying for you continually,
Herman and Gerry Poort and family

Anonymous said...

It's so beautiful when you can see your prayers being answered. I still pray that God continues to give you strength in these times and that Shawna continues to show signs of healing.
Tracey Boeringa

Anonymous said...

We thank God with you for every positive step, and especially for the strength He is giving you... May you continue to feel His arms surrounding you with His love and constant care!
Clarence and Annette Visser and family

Anonymous said...

dear Deb and Al,
Once again we rejoice with you as the healing process continues. May the medical Drs.& staff continue to be instruments in the hands of our Supreme Healer in whom we all find our ultimate comfort and peace. May you be comforted knowing that we are so held secure in His care.
Our prayers and thoughts continue to be with you.
Love, Art and Martha.

Anonymous said...

Dear Al, Debbie, Darryl and families,

How wonderful it is to read about the progress Shawna is making!

May our heavenly Father continue to provide you with everything you need and may you feel His loving arms wrapped tightly around each of you.

Arend and Willa Dale Smid

Anonymous said...

Dear Alan and Debbie,

Your family out West continues to pray for Shawna and we are encouraged daily by your blog. God bless you and give you the strength to wait on Him while He continues to heal Shawna.

Love, Ann and Jessica de Bruin

Anonymous said...

Dear Family,

Thank you for your continuous news about Shawna and the family. I would like to tell you that we are praying for you and also our Baptist contactgroup is praying for you all. We keep following the news and hope and pray for the continuation of Shawna's recovery. Greetings from Albert Jan van Dijk,

Anonymous said...

To all Shawna's loved ones:
We thank God for how he is answering our prayers! We are what they call "silent bloggers"; we have been keeping up and praying for you but haven't let you know that (til now). It is very likely that we are not the only ones doing this, the circle of caring is huge! I just had to let you know (Al) that today is Saturday the 16th not the 23rd (I start wondering if I've missed appointments etc. every time I see the date!). May God continue to be with you and bless you all, you are in our thought and prayers.

Yours in Christ, Henry and Irene Van Iperen (Homan) and family

Kristen Alyssa Buist said...

Uncle Al & Aunt Debbie.
It is so good that Shawna is breathing better on her own. We are so thankful to hear all of this great news-and are still praying for full recovery.

Thoughts & Prayers are with you.

Kristen Buist♥

Andy and Tina said...

Dear Al and Debbie and loved ones of Shawna:
How great it is to have such positive news again. Our God is so great! He is the One in control. He also gives knowledge to those who take care of Shawna, and we are so greatful for that. We continue to pray that the Lord will also bless the doctors and nursing staff as they do their daily tasks given to them.
Our prayers continue to be with you and yours each day. May you all have a blessed Sunday.
With love from Andy and Tina van Yken

Anonymous said...

Al, Debbie, Shawna and family

I was visiting Ontario when Shawna's accident happened and have been following this blog on a regular basis. Shawna is a friend of my brother's girlfriend (Amanda VanderHoeven)...

Just a note to give you courage: brothers and sisters from far and near are praying for you. First your local communion of saints, then those in other congregations far and wide, and also that great cloud of witnesses. Especially now as the 'novelty' wears off and the hard work and waiting begins, may God continue to give you the strength to accept His plan and to give you the patience you never thought you had. Your blog is an inspiration to many. May those around you give you the support you need so in turn you may continue to praise our risen Saviour. Thanks to God for her continuing recuperation.

Jeanette Bouwman, Lynden, WA