Tuesday, December 23, 2008

(Day 334)

Good day all. Shawna has continued to make good advances in communication. She is definitely good with pointing at pictures and words using a drum stick. She even named her puppy using this form of communication. We received a gift of a beautiful white male shnauser mini mix. His name is Q-tip. He's 5 weeks old and hopefully Deb and Jessica are not alergic to him as Shawna and the family are already quite attached to him. He sits and sleeps very sedately on Shawnas lap while she carefully pets him. Its an amazing form of therapy. There isn't much therapy for the next couple of weeks but we have our hands full with visits and therapy we can do with her. Not includng the puppy training. The doctors still haven't given any instructions for the increase in tone but the physiotherapist has given us a stimulation machine where we attach probes to her right back muscle to make the left side release. This has proven to be very effective in reducing the amount of tone that is present in her left side. We hit a bad spot with the biking as Sawnas tone increased to the point she couldn't do it by herself anymore. Weve changed the way that we do the range of motion exercizes involving her legs and she has again been putting in some very good days on the bike. We remain thankfull to our Heavenly Father for what he has given and continue to thank you for your prayers and support. We would also like to take the opportunity to wish you all a blessed Christmas celebration and God's continued blessing for 2009. Al, Deb, Shawna, and family


Anonymous said...

Hello Bethlehem family,

Joanna and I would like to thank you for your strong effort in keeping the communion of saints aware of how Shawna is progressing. We would like to wish your entire family the Lord's blessings for the year of our Lord, 2009. May 2009 continue to be a year blessed by the LORD!
Take care,
Chris and Joanna, and Peter

Anonymous said...

Dear Debby,Alan Shawna and family

Again a positive update. Thank you for the worth that you take all the time.
We have a Christmasprayer for you !

May the Lord bless you at
May He hear your every prayer,
May He fill you with His precious
And keep you in His care,
May you feel the happiness and
Of knowing He is near
Not only when it's Christmastime,
But always, through the year.

Love from :
oom Klaas
oom Jan + tante Menna
oom Albert + tante Joke
oom Henk + tante Marry
oom Age + tante Willy.
+ our children.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your faithfulness in updating this blog; there are still many silent supporters! We would like to wish you all a very blessed Christmas time, praying that the joy and wonder of Christ's birth may fill your hearts each day of the coming year. May God also continue to be near in the year 2009, blessing you with the comfort and strength of His peace! Sincerely, James and Miriam Slaa Smithers, BC

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethlehem family,Wishing you the LORDS blessing in the year that lies ahead. May HE give you what you need to look after your precious daughter and family.Arie and Lois Muis.

Anonymous said...

I thank you for your continued faithfulness in updating your blog.
God sent His angels to the shepherds to herald the great joy of our Saviour's birth. May he continue to fill all of you with joy and continue to make you heralds of his gospel.
I pray that he continues to wrap his loving arms around Shawna and keeps her safe and strong.
Mary Lou Stark

Anonymous said...

Dear Deb and Al and family
As we say goodbye to 2008 we want to let you know that we are praying that 2009 will continue to bring healing to Shawna and that the Lord will continue to surround you all with His love and care and provide for all Shawna's needs

Happy NEw Year to you all
marlene and jack and familyxoxox

Tim and Elly Hutten said...

Dear Bethlehem family:
We would like to wish each of you the Lord's richest blessings during the year 2009. May you continue to be assured that God's faithfulness never fails, that He will fulfill the promises He has made to His children. In Christ's death and resurrection we may be sure of our resurrection to eternal life in the Promised Land.
You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers,
Tim and Elly Hutten and family

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates!

We are thinking of you and we wish you all the best in 2009.

Janine, Martin & Jordan Lamberink - Vanderhoeven

kristen buist said...

i hope things are still progressing, and i just wanted to wish Shawna a happy birthday.
Kristen Buist

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a wonderful day. (no bike - yeah!!) We saw your big smiles and laughs this morning when your mom reminisced about your theory of everyone needing 8 hugs a day!
May the year 2009 be one of continued healing, with progression in speech and movement.
With love,
Aunt Ruth
We love you