Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday (day 168)

Good day all. Its been a mixed bag week with a trip yesterday for Shawna to have her feeding tube relocated from her lower intestine to her stomach. Due to a miscomunication about the type of feeding tube it was the procedure could not be done. Instead Shawna will have to have a small operation to do it. This will require her to be off blood thinners for a day or two. Next week on the 17 Shawna will tentatively have her skull cap reinserted. They consider it nonessential because she can "live" without it and therefore it could be bumped for more serious procedures. The doctors have increased some of her meds to combat tone but Shawna has stayed awake most of the day. She continues to move her left hand and arm slightly and is now trying to point at objects with her right hand. Still no talking but some noises once in a while when she's not concentrating.
This weekend Shawna will attend the wedding of her cousin Michelle Linde to Chris Weirsma and hopefully the party and then spend the night at home in her own room. Again we can see the many blessings we receive from the Lord's hand and continue to lay our needs before His throne of grace. Thankyou again for your prayers and support. Al and Deb


Anonymous said...

Dear Al and Deb and family,
What a blessing that you are still praising God! You have been and continue to be a great witness to us all. We still pray daily for you all. May God sustain you with His almighty hand. His kingdom is coming and His plan is perfect!

Tim and Elly Hutten said...

We hope that you may have a very enjoyable weekend together and we pray that the Lord may continue to be with each of you and surround you all with a special measure of His love and faithfulness.
You are never far from our thoughts and often in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Al and Deb,

We are still reading all the updates and continue to pray for all of you.
God Bless.

andy and Gerda Vandenhaak