Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thursday (day 154)

Good Evening all. We've again had a pretty busy week. At the team meeting on monday Shawna's progress was gone over. Generally they are very happy with her progress and see quite a bit of improvement. There are areas of concern though. In the bone density scan the good news was that there is no bone forming in the soft tissue areas which can happen with inactivity. The right leg has a deficient supply of blood which they could tell from the scan. This warrants further exploration. A blood vessel most likely was damaged from the accident and didn't repair properly. This lack of adequate blood supply to the right leg could impede exercise as the muscles would become oxygen deprived and thus very sore from strenuous exercise. The brain CT scan, which was shown to us and explained, showed no signs of swelling or water buildup and therfore no shunts will be required for draining. The skullcap being reinserted was discussed and with our permission they will start the process to have the operation done at the General while she is still enrolled in Chedoke. They can easily monitor the incision and her phsiotherapy will be unaffected(so they claim). They will also be giving Shawna a drug (under close scrutiny and small amounts) to stimulate her by making her "more awake". The physiotherapist's goal as explained to us is developed in stages to get Shawna to take her first steps. That would be an awesome blessing! The speech therapist continues to work with Shawna's swallowing and vocalizing. This dedicated team is trying every effort to get Shawna to develop as much as possible during her stay with them. Shawna also continues for her part to be determined and aggressive as she can. Last monday I saw and coached Shawna as she sat on the edge of the bed for almost a half hour, while the therapist moved her from side to side to exercise the back muscles. She stayed very straight for the exercise and was exhausted after that. Tuesday Shawna went for an EEG at the General. They attached probes to Shawnas head to monitor brain activity and then flashed lights in her eyes rapidly. Shawna had a hard time staying calm during the activity and after when they were taking the probes off and cleaning the locations she had a small siezure. This was averted by the nurse who massaged Shawna's left arm to confuse the brain messages, and the siezure stopped. We will find out more about the EEG later when the doctor discusses them with us as the technician could not divulge any information. Wednesday was a recreation day and Shawna went with the other members of the ABI unit to the Royal Botanical Gardens. She had a beautiful sunny day and under Deb's watchfull eyes came back with a bit of colour but not a burn. Today Shawna returned to the physical workout and again progressed further. She stood up in the standing frame for a half hour with out showing signs of extreme fatigue due to downward bloodflow. She maintained good posture with her head centered during the exercise . On the bike she cycle for over 2km. the therapist will now move her to gear 2 full time with some pressure zones going into gear 3.
Then while I was there tonight we (Jeanette and I) were talking to Shawna and she seemed to be really involved with the conversation moving her mouth and tongue when she opened her mouth a bit more and slowly said "Yah" . We were so excited to hear that and Shawna was also smiling knowing she had communicated, but we couldn't get her to repeat it. Later, because she was so awake in her wheelchair, I tried to give her some water to practice swalowing. She was obviously trying to still talk and couldn't concentrate on swallowing and choked a little bit. After a couple of good coughs, I asked her if she wanted to keep trying. As I was waiting for a response from her eye blinks she opened her mouth again and with a slow deliberate sound said "no". It was so beautiful to hear that even if it wasn't a perfect "no". Practice will help her to develope that again. The blessings we continue to recieve from God's hands remind us that he never forgets us, he has engraved us on the palms of his hands. Isaiah 49:15,16. Thank you for your continued prayerand support. Al and Deb


Anonymous said...

We are so glad to continue reading about shawna's progress. Thank you for your dedication in your regular posts. May the Lord our God continue to grant you all you need in caring for Shawna, and also grant Shawna strength in recovery. Most of all, may He surround you with His care and strength and give you faith, hope and trust when you most need it!
We are still praying!

Anonymous said...

Amazing to continually see progress! We are rejoicing with you. May you continue to trust in Him. We continue to pray.
John and Johanna Homan

Anonymous said...

Dear Shawna and Family
It is very exciting to read your updates. Thank you for your willingness to share. Be assured that every one who follows along with the postings is holding Shawna and your family up in prayer. We are grateful to the Giver and Healer of Life for Shawna progress.
Love Joanne Kok and family

Anonymous said...

We continue to remember you in our prayers. It is wonderful to hear of the progress that Shawna is making. We wish all of you strength, and pray that Shawna's progress may continue.

Harold and Rhonda Kelly

Andy and Tina said...

I just read Monday's bloc as well and am so excited to hear how much progress Shawna is making. Also to see how you, as family are coping, trusting so unmovably in the Power of our God. He will complete His work for Shawna according to His plan. He also wll give you the strength and comfort of His Word to continue taking care of her.
We pray for continued healing.
with love from the van Ykens.

Anonymous said...

This is amazing Al. Simply amazing. Thanks for continuing to report. We continue to hold all of you up in prayer.

The de Jongs in Calgary.