Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wednesday (day 90)

Good evening all. Shawna continues to improve. The improvements may be almost imperceptible but they are mostly small differences in either response times or strength. She is definitely becoming stronger and faster with working her individual fingers on her right hand. She also moves a couple of fingers on her left hand and moves her left leg now. On Sunday one of the nurses brought in a very special visitor. A cocker spaniel puppy. Shawnas smile was almost instantaneous as we brought the puppy within her vision. We tried to open her hand to touch the puppy but she was too excited and trying to grab it and could only brush against it. This type of therapy is the very thing Shawna volunteered for doing with elderly patients last year. She really enjoyed bringing some joy into their lives with these visits. I guess the volunteering is returned with equal results. Shawna had a cold and a fever last monday and as a result a barage of tests and chest exray were ordered. She seems to have fought it off and is not coughing any more. To date she is still infection free and not receiving antibiotics. This is a very good developement and now an assesment has been arranged by a doctor at Chedoke for April 30. We continue to be upheld by the loving arms of our Father and strenghthened by His Holy Spirit through the communion of Saints as many continue to pray for Shawna and our family. We continue to be thankfull for the many gifts of meals and assistance for renovations and all the wonderful friends and family who have donated their time in watching over Shawna while we can't be there. May God graciously continue to bless Shawna with his healing mercies. Al and Deb


Anonymous said...

we continue to thank the Lord for the improvements that we see in Shawna, and also for your continual reliance and dependance on God...through whom all things are possible! You have all been such an encouragement and example to all of us what our faith should look like. thank you... and all the best! You are all in our thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Great update once again! You go Shawna, we're all rooting for you! You have an amazing support network around you, and a Father in Heaven who sees and oversees your every breath. Praise Him for such an abiding love. As always, in our thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your regular postings. Although we haven't commented regularly,we do read the blog and continue to pray for you all. Amazing to read how the smallest movements, that we take so much for granted, are the result of so much effort for Shawna! We sure continue to count our blessings! We wish you all comfort, strength and patience as you continue to wait for God's plan for Shawna to be revealed.
Pete and Janese and family

Andy and Tina said...

Dear Bethlehem family and loved ones of Shawna:
How good it is to hear and see so much progress in Shawna's condition. Also in the way you as family confess that you daily receive your strength from the Lord. He sees us through very difficult ways sometimes, but we always are comforted by His words: I will never leave you, I will never forsake you. That makes it possible to go on each day, on His Fatherly Hand. Happy Birthday, Deb. May the Lord give you all your needs every day. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you all each day.