Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wednesday (day 83)

Good evening all. Shawna continues to have small improvements. On Sunday she was able to participate in a bridal shower for one of her friends. They socialized and sang around the piano for quite some time. Shawna was very stimulated by the comradery and singing. The next day she had to trip to the General for a CT scan which showed that most of the swelling is gone which can be seen by a layer of water on the outside of the brain within the skull walls. The central ventricles are still quite large but seem to be shrinking as well. It was determined that no further operation would be required except for the skull flap reinsertion. Shawna has been moving her right arm a lot up and down and away from her torso. These movements are completely voluntary and easily done on command. She also can move her right leg on command. The left side seems to be a lot slower. I have seen her move her left leg tonight but not the same amount as the right. This is due to the fact that her upper right side of the brain was badly damaged. All her extremities moved perfectly and in unison when she stretched though which is a good sign that all the muscles are connected to the brain. Shawna just has to remap their location. My mom thought it would be a good idea to bring in a mini keyboard for shawna to try for exercising her fingers. It worked marvelously. She enjoyed pressing the keys. Apparently she was quite good with her index and pinky fingers of her right hand. The other fingers are not quite as dextrous but should be able to develope over time. Again we have been richly blessed by our Father. Tonite when reading sciptures I was reminded of Job who lost all he owned even his children. If that wasn't bad enough his wife and friends wanted him to turn away from God. Some friends! We are assured that even though our friends may fail and leave us God will never fail us. Although we miss the normal relationship we had with our darling Shawna and her infectious spirit we have been strengthened by God's Word and Spirit and supported by His Communion of Saints. He has never left us and shows us the path marked out by His Son. Thankyou for your prayers and messages. Al and Deb


Anonymous said...

What a great God we have that Shawna continues to improve!
"Sing joyfully to that Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him...For the word of the Lord is rights and true; he is faithful in all he does." ~Psalm 33: 1, 4
How true this is - God is faithful!
We are so glad to hear about the improvement in Shawna's health!
May the Lord give you strength as you continue to care for her. Thank you for your continued updates!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the blog you write. You give comfort to others also when you write about Job and how he lost everything - even his own children. But how God never leaves us or forsakes us. We have trials in this life. But we know that God is in control. Through your trial God is giving strength to others with their trials because of your confidence in God and his promises. Know that our prayers are with you and your family. God is indeed good and faithful. He knows all and sees all and loves us with a love that we can't even begin to imagine how great. God give you peace.

Jessica said...

How Great is Our God! What a great God we have that Shawna continues to improve!

Lawren said...


Anonymous said...

Great to read that there are all of these improvements! Also great to read that the situation has not made you give up, instead, you have been able to witness to so many throughout this time. Obviously Shawna comes by her courageous spirit honestly! Stay strong, and stay focused on the One who cares for all of you.

Anonymous said...

What a joy it is to come to the blog on Wednesdays and Saturdays and read of Shawna's continuing progress! We rejoice with all of you as you watch our heavenly Father work in the lives of each of you, but especially in Shawna.

You remain in our thoughts and prayers.

Arend and Willa Dale Smid

Anonymous said...

We still think of you always and continue to remember Shawna and all her loved ones in our prayers. Thank you for always taking the time to update us on this blog, we are always happy to hear of her progress. God has been so good to all of us and we are so thankful with you and for you that He is giving you the strength to continue to be there for Shawna. Although her progress seems slow to you and you often say there isn't much to tell, yet everytime you write a blog there is always good news to tell of some improvement that God has allowed you to celebrate with Shawna. He is there with you all, giving you whatever you need and it has been such a humbling experience for all who follow your blog to see how the Lord continues to uphold you and allow you to be such a witness to us all. Thank the Lord for His continued goodness to us all and may He continue to give you strength to deal with whatever he sends, patience to wait for His timing and peace to accept His will.
Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you.
Jason and Corinne Jonker and family

Andy and Tina said...

dear loved ones of Shawna:
Tonight, as I was reading the blog, I was reminded of the sermons we received today. What a comfort to know the One True God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and His Almighty power in the lives of His children. He has you and your Shawna so completely in His care, that not one hair can fall from your heads without His Will. His Holy Spirit also is there to strengthen and comfort you each and every day to continue the task He has placed before you. Keep on.. walking in His Power, From strength to strength God's people go, and He to them His Face will show. What more can we ask for?
with love from the van Ykens