Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Wednesday (day 69)

Good evening all. Sorry for the late post. I got caught up reading a novel after reading with Shawna this evening. She continues to improve steadily. Not speedily but steadily. No new infections have shown up as a result of some testing. That is a blessing as her body continues to heal. The nurses have now been able to treat the thrush in her mouth as she relaxes her jaw muscles quite a bit now. She has also been able to disolve ice chips in her mouth and swallow the water residue. She enjoys this quite a bit and smiles a lot when she swallows succesfully. Shawna has been resting her head in one position for the past 9 weeks and as a result has quite a bunched neck muscle which we are now massaging to encourage her to rest on the other side. She continues to rest on her right side as that is the side of the brain which still showed some swelling several weeks ago. It gives her less pressure to rest on that side. Shawna goes to Chedoke Orthodics tommorrow to start the serial casting for her feet and we hope the visit may be combined with an ABI assesment. Shawna is well tended to by her loving nurses who call her their princess. We also have a tremendous amount of family and freinds support to watch her in the late hours of the night. Thankyou all. Above all we remain thankfull to our heavenly father for his continued care over Shawna and our family as we continue on the path he has chosen for us. Al and Deb


Marion Overbeek said...

Dear Bethlehem Family, and Darryl
We continue to pray for you and Shawna that the Lord will continue to heal. We praise Him for the healing He has done as we see it as nothing less then a miracle. The residents at Anchor, continue to ask how Shawna is doing, and as I check this blog faithfully, I can share it with them. We pray that you are all given what you are in need of and that the Lord will heal Shawna. Giving all praise to Him, as we know that nothing comes without His will.
Christian love from the residents at Anchor and Marion Overbeek

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethlehem family: We are thankful to read in your updates that Shawna continues to show signs of improvement.May the Lord continue to grant his healing power over Shawna and grant you as a family his peace and love!
In Christian love: Ben and Anita

Andy and Tina said...

Dear Bethlehem family and loved ones of Shawna:
We are so happy to see so much progress in the recovery of Shawna.
We see God's hand in this. He is performing a miracle on "our princess" and, even though at this point things seem to go more slowly, when we look back, we can only stand amazed at the Power of our God. We all keep praying for a complete recovery at His time. With love from the van Ykens

Anonymous said...

We too are thankful for Shawnas recovery. We continue to pray for patience for all of you as you travel down this road of recovery. Thank you for the continued updates, it is a part of our weekly routine. We will continue to lay your needs before our Fathers throne.With Christian Love: Keith and Suzanne Wielink and Family

Anonymous said...

Deb and Al and all who steadily watch over Shawna. You are all constantly prayed for...both from near and far! Even though you don't know us well we follow your blog and are thankful for your unwavering dedication by which you inform us all how Shawna is improving. All our best to you.
One thought about her neck muscles. You might think about purchasing an inexpensive 'contoured' pillow from a place like wal-mart. These allow the neck to lie straight whether on your back or side and have been proven to relieve neck pain just by using them. If you decide to try it - start with the cheapest as they offer a smaller 'support' than the costlier varieties - just to get used to it. Food for thought :)

Kristen Alyssa Buist said...

Unlce Al & Aunt Debbie.
It is amazing how much progress Shawna can make in this amount of time.
We are still praying for you & Shawna.
I hope to see you soon. :)
-Kristen Buist ♪

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethlehem family,
We are so thankful that each day you are seeing improvements. Your trust in Our Healing God has given many readers much comfort. We pray that our Faithful Father will continue to give your family all the strength and energy that you need.
God is good!
Herman and JoAnne Faber

Anonymous said...

How wonderful it is to read of Shawna's continued improvement! Each time we read the blog we are heartened by the evidence of your strong faith in our loving Father in Heaven. He has so richly blessed all of you, especially Shawna, and we thank and praise Him for His awesome work in your lives.

You remain in our thoughts and prayers.

Arend and Willa Dale Smid