Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wednesday (day55)

Good evening all. Shawna's had an uneventful trip. She is presently settled into a private room here in Dunnville (room 221). At first they had her in a ward next to the nurses station, but once they saw how many visitors she was having from just family and the fact that we are determined and allowed to stay with her 24/7 they quickly moved her to this beautiful room. They are very diligent in taking care of her and check in on the Shawna sitters frequently to make sure they're not napping. She is awake most of the day hrs and rests frequently after long periods of wakefullness. Her trahe has been corked now for over 100 hrs and she continues to cough and swallow the secretions. Hamilton said our doctor would make the descision to remove the trache but he would rather Hamilton take care of it (a bit of buck passing). It looks like its up to us to force Hamilton to take care of it when she returns on Tuesday for a bunch of appointments. She continues to smile more and more now and quicker response when asked. She also continues to work against me when I work her muscles. Especially her Left side is getting quite strong. That side was at first unresponsive. She has good muscle action in her arms wrists and shoulders. Today for the first time also her legs. She moves her feet a tiny bit on command. The phsiotherapist who comes to Dunnville to supervise her physio was very impressed with her muscle tone and when they "dangled" her on the edge of the bed her back was still very strong and straight. He wants to get her on a tilt table asap and was wondering how shortly she would be going to rehab because he felt she is ready. She has to first be stable with no infections

When we look back even one week there is so much progress. We are so thankful to God for his healing of Shawna. We continue to pray for Shawna that her brain continues to make the connections. The physiotherapist said her reactions are like trying to find your way in a fog. As the fog lifts she will be able to find her way. Shawna enjoys the time we spend reading God's Word to her and praying with her. She goes peacefully to sleep when we are finished. She seems also to have a good nights rest and doesn't slip too deeply into sleep anymore. Thank you all for your prayers and messages. We continue to be uplifted by them and strengthened for our task as parents. Al and Deb


Anonymous said...

Wow what an amazing week you all have had. We are thankful for the progress that Shawna has made so far and pray for continual healing. May our Father in heaven give you and your family the strength and comfort as you continue to sit with Shawna during her recovery. Our God is a gracious God.
We will visit again soon. Tom and Alice and family (Justin is missing Darren already)

Anonymous said...

Our God is indeed an awesome God. We are thankful with and for you all for all of Gods healing power seen in Shawnas recovery. We pray that Shawna will continue to progress and heal. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We pray for continued patience as you begin another stage in your journey here in Dunnville. We hope you have the same positive experience as we did. The nurses are very kind, caring and competant people. Thank you for your updates, we appreciate the time you take to keep us all informed. In Christian Love, Keith and Suzanne Wielink, Alanna, Taylor, Lukas, and Tristan

Anonymous said...

What shall we say...... but that we stand in awe of the grace God has shown to Shawna, to you and to all your blog readers.
When we scroll back to the beginning of your blog, then the progress your dear Shawna is making is nothing short of a miracle!
Hope this move to Dunnville, will eventually be considered a "pitstop" to coming HOME.
May God continue to grant you all the extra strength, wisdom and patience you may need as you care for Shawna.
Keeping you in constant prayer.
Al and Diane Bergsma

Anonymous said...

I have begun writing a poem that will hopefully be completed by the time Shawna is home. Here is what I have written so far.

Sing ye peoples, be elated,
For the beauty of this day.
This, the day we have awaited.
When our awesome God would say

"Nothing in this fallen world
Could in its most tempestuous hour
Move a leaf when I say "cease"
Or for a second fight My power.

Daughter, in thee, I have proved
That you are wonderfully made
And even though the earth be moved.
My Lovingkindness is displayed."

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful poem that is!!
Looking back at all that has happened, and noticing that you have endured this journey for 55 days and counting, I stop and meditate on that fact that a thousand days is like one day for the Lord. Although it might have seemed like an eternity, I could imagine that at the same time it has gone by so fast. How awesome it is that our Lord is in control!

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news yet again! We pray for continued healing and strength and patience also for the family in their many tasks of caring for Shawna.
Wishing you all a "Good" Friday!

Al and Mirjam Schulenberg
Carman, MB

Andy and Tina said...

Dear Bethlehem family:
Again a step ahead, and what huge steps Shawna is able to make. God has shown His awesome Power in the recovery of His child, and our eyes are all opened, again, to His loving care for His children. This blog has taught us all, again, how rich we are as communion of saints, to belong to this God of grace. May He continue to give all of you His continued strength and trust, that all things are in His Almighty Hand.
Colin, keep your poem going! It is beautiful.
the van Ykens.

Anonymous said...

I almost want to say congratulations, but I'm sure that's not the right word. I'm so happy for all of you that Shawna's recovery is going so well, especially Shawna herself. Our God is an awesome God, He's been holding Shawna's hand through this entire thing. Praise be to Him alone!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome God we have! He truly is faithful and near us at all times! We are so happy to hear about Shawna's continued progress.
We continue to pray for healing for Shawna, and patience and strength for Darryl and the family.
May the Lord carry you on eagle's wings, and may you put your complete trust in Him!

Anonymous said...

If we all commented every time we checked this blog, there would be many, many pages!
Thanks for keeping it up. Our prayers stay with you and we give thanks for Shawna's progress!
Andy and Cora Muis and family

Anonymous said...

What a blessing it is to be children of God and to know that He watches over each of His children with an all-encompassing love. We rejoice with you in the progress Shawna's making. We know that you (and she) are relieved to have her closer to home. We continue to hope and pray for her full recovery.

You remain in our thoughts and prayers.

Arend and Willa Dale Smid

Anonymous said...

We are thankful with you and for you as Shawna continues to progress. The Lord has been so gracious in hearing and answering our prayers. Your twice a week posts are informative and I am amazed at how much change there is. Can't wait for tomorrow's post.