Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wednesday (day41)

Good evening all. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Many things have happened with Shawna in the last couple of days. Maybe I should have kept writing daily. First they removed the chest cavity drain tube. This reduces another chance of infection. They have put her feet in casts to maintain her tendons and foot posture so its not so hard for her to walk later. Next thing was they took her down for xray of her pelvis. This showed that it is completely mended and she will not require any further surgery in that area. When she walks after rehab she won't have any problems with load bearing etc. They will be removing the external fixator in the next day or so. Another six infection points removed. Her trache was downsized yesterday and as a result she could spend the afternoon with darryl in the sunshine down the hallway with out air supply while she was in her neuro chair. When she got back they tested her oxygen absorption and it was at 99%. They decided to cap the trache and give her oxygen through a little tube at her nose. After a busy afternoon of semi-awareness we were gathered around her as we thought she was going back to sleep. Deb, Darryl, and Gord VanEgmond were watching as I was talking softly to her and watching her squeeze my hand. I asked Deb to come closer and asked Shawna to move the other hand that I was not holding and she did it. As a further test I asked her to try a smile which she did manage to do a few times. Deb was pretty excited about that. Then I asked Shawna if she could make a sound as her trache was now covered and she should be able to because I heard her make noise as she yawned. She took a breath and made the most beautiful small sighs I have heard in six weeks. We were beside ourselves with joy and thankfulness. She only did this when asked and at no other times prior or after. This all happens as the hospital is talking about fast-tracking Shawna to Dunnville hospital. We have so many questions about her care and condition and such uncertainty whether Dunnville can even handle her that we were quite upset before this happened. What blessings the Lord gives to his children in their time of need. I feel like I'm flying with the emotion that comes from just hearing this small response of hope. Shawna was semi awake for quite a while this afternoon and its becoming longer each day. Praise God! When we thought she was going back to sleep Deb told her we were going down for some supper and she moaned again like she was worried. When Deb said she would stay she squeezed Deb' s hand. Now we're almost afraid to leave. I've got some serious questions about whether or not she's in a coma. Her eye reactions are almost back to normal so she could be back. We're just not sure. She may have a lot of connections to make to move other body parts, but she's trying new things each day. We are so thankfull for your continued prayers and we are most assured that God does hear our prayers. Thank you all and God bless you. Al and Deb


Anonymous said...

Al, Deb, Darryl and all,
Wow, that's an amazing three days! We will continue to lay your needs before God and pray for her continued progress.
God bless,
Art and Sandra and family

Anonymous said...

We continue to Pray for her!! She is doing Awesome! God is so Good!!
Rich and Tracey Stam

Anonymous said...

hi Al, Deb, Darryl et all,

almost burned my supper - so excited about that posting!
Going to Edmonton tomorrow; nice that we can watch this blog from there too.
De can't visit for a bit - she has a sore throat and will not come back until its better.
Seeing Deb in school the other day was great.
As always - we're still praying for that miracle.

Lawren said...

Wow. I need to comment (finally).

Thank you for the wonderful news! And thanks for keeping us up to date all this time.
I'm praying for all of you.

Love, Lawren

Anonymous said...

Incredible news! Shawna and the entire family are in our prayers daily! Our God is an amazing God!
Josh and Dina Roodzant

Anonymous said...

Wow, we're so glad to hear that Shawna continues to progress!
Your entire family is in our prayers.
Nathan and Luanne Kok

Anonymous said...

We continue to keep Shawna in our prayers. This news is so comforting. God bless. Petrina Post and Harm Kelly

Anonymous said...

Praise God from whom all blessing flow. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones daily!
Love Ben and Anita Poort

Anonymous said...

All this information seems so overwhelming to us, we can't imagine what it is doing for you.
We thank God daily for each new miracle that He has given Shawna. (and you). You are continually in our thoughts and prayers.
John, Marian, Tyson, Kyla, and Owen Blokker.

Anonymous said...

Dear Al, Deb, Darryl, and family

We can feel your joy and praise coming from out of our computer screen! Indeed, how good our God is. May He grant further recovery as He sees fit and may you and we all continue in prayer and childlike trust. God is so good!

George and Sharon and family

Anonymous said...

How gracious the Lord is! We read with awe and great joy of the progress that Shawna has made in the past few days. And we cannot begin to imagine what joy that has brought to each of you who love her so dearly.

May the Lord continue to give Shawna and each of you everything you need as you move forward in her recovery.

You remain in our thoughts and prayers.

Arend and Willa Dale Smid

Anonymous said...

Hi Al, Deb, Darryl and all the family.
We are so happy to read this update.
Amazing changes these last few days.
We understood your reasons for not posting everyday anymore, yet we missed it. In fact we kept checking up, hoping for good news.
We keep remembering you all in our prayers. Greetings from George and Ella

Anonymous said...

Al, Debbie, Darryl & family and all Shawna's loved ones,
It's so good to hear of Shawna's progress! Sounds like she is doing so well, and you must all be so thrilled. God is so good!
Thanks so much for keeping us updated, this blog will be such a treasure down the road! God has brought Shawna and you all through so much with new mercies every day! These are huge steps she is taking, God is working wonders in her! You continue to be in our thoughts and our prayers. May God continue to give you the daily strength and patience you need.
Love, Jason and Corinne Jonker

Unknown said...

We are very happy to hear the good news! We will keep praying!
Henry and Annelies

Anonymous said...

Wow! How awesome God is. We were overwhelmed to read the blog today. It seemed like each day there were baby steps but now in just a few short days without a posting it seems like so much more! we continue to pray for all of you, for the complete healing of youre precious Shawna and for continued strength for all of you.
In Christian love
Kevin and Tonja Bos
Shawna-Marie, Megan, Shelby and D.J.

Anonymous said...

Al, Deb, Darryl and all Shawna's loved ones.

Our heart joins yours in overflowing with thanks to our Faithful Father. Fervently praying with you that this road of recovery may steadily keep heading toward healing. The Great Physician is performing miracles!
With Christian love,
Al and Diane Bergsma

Tim and Elly Hutten said...

Praise God indeed!!
May He continue to grant His rich blessings to Shawna and to each of you.
Tim and Elly and family

Anonymous said...

Uncle Al, Aunt Deb and all of the friends and family of Shawna

What an amazing development in just a few days! We never doubted God's hand in our lives, and yet we take so much for granted.

I would like to share with you somehting that I was reading last night.

In a book called Stories for the Heart, there is a story of a small farming town. This town had been struck by a summer with no rain. After a few months of waiting and hard work, this town decided to hold a prayer meeting, planning to ask the Lord to send down rain. As all of the friends gathered, they started chatting with one another. As you can imagine, after months of hard work these people had not seen each other too much, and had a lot to say to one another. The event had turned quite social right from the get go!

As the minister slowly made his way to the pulpit after greeting each person, he noticed a little girl of about ten in one of the front pews. She was sitting there, her face shining, waiting for the prayers to begin. Beside her on the pew was a bright red umbrella. The minister writes how struck he was by this, for the rest of the crowd had come to pray. She had come to see God answer that prayer.

In some small way, this story reminds me of this time. We have all been praying for Shawna, for the family, for the friends, and for the community at large. And yet we are almost afraid to hope that all things will mend. We truly believe that God can answer these prayers, yet we are almost afraid to believe that He will!

Our world is so small compared to the greatness of God, and yet He constantly reminds us of who He is and the great things He is capable of. Small things that we normally take for granted, such as having breath and being able to walk around.

Keep hoping in the Lord. I admire your strong faith, and the fact that you are able to trust in Him in all things.

As we all pray to thank God for his blessings, keep that umbrella handy. You never know when he will answer these petitions. God is so good. Let us never forget this.

Sarah Beintema

Anonymous said...

Al, Deb, Darryl and families
Oh what joy. It is truly amazing and awe-inspiring to hear of these wonderful improvements. It once again reminds that that all things are possible with God. Our God is an Awesome God!!!!
We continue to hold Shawna and all of you in our thoughts and prayers
Fred, Simone, Brandon, Jeff, Ashley and Erin

TBH said...

We too read your latest post with joy. Although we miss your daily reports, it seems that waiting a few days turn those baby steps of progress into giant leaps. Wonderful news, just what we have all been praying for.

Go with confidence in the Lord that He will do for Shawna whatever she needs. It will be a long road back, but the prayers of a multitude will help her through.

Best wishes, John and Thea Heyink

Anonymous said...

Dear Al, Debbie, Darryl & families:

As reading Shawna's blog on a daily basis was our window into your lives, we had to trust that "no news is good news" since your last post on Sunday. Shawna's progress is better then good news, it's great news! Shawna's ability to communicate more and more as the swelling subsides is a blessing for all! Continued patience as God's will unfolds. With Christian love,

Dennis, Marg & family

Anonymous said...

Dear Al and Deb and loved ones of Shawna:
Our praise and thanksgiving go out to the Lord. What an Awesome God we have! He alone is able to restore all the damage this accident has brought into the lives of Shawna, you as her family and loved ones, and us all as congregations. A lot of prayers go out each day from so many people, and in His infinite mercy the Lord is answering those prayers. We stand amazed at His Power! So much progress, and so much to give thanks for. May you all go on from strength to strength during this long road of recovery. Even though there is no daily bloc,(and we can sure understand that) our daily prayers continue for all of you. The Father holds Shawna and all of you in His care, and He will give you all what you stand in need of each and every day. What a comfort that is for God's children. We never travel the road alone. He is right there beside us, and when sometimes we can't go on, He picks us up and carries us. It is good to belong to our God.
Have a good day, and we are praying for further good news on Saturday.
with love from the van Ykens.

Anonymous said...

This is great news Al, and all!
God Bless!

Pete de Jong and family,

Anonymous said...

Dear Al, Deb, Darryl, and family

After reading Wednesday's blog we were so amazed and thankful for the uplifting news!! Our GOD is indeed a powerful and awesome GOD! May you continue to find your strength and joy in Him. Our prayers are being answered.

Ed and Alice Kelly, and Family

Anonymous said...

Dear Deb,Al and Darryl and family,
We also share in your excitement. Our God is amazing! We continue to follow Shawna's journey through these blogs and we continue to pray for her recovery.
Love Arlene&Fred and family

Anonymous said...

Awesome news. I am crying as I read your latest post. God hears prayers.

God Bless.

Andy and Gerda

Anonymous said...

What Great News! We pray this will continue.
You are all in our thoughts and prayers!
God Bless, Ed & Henrietta VanderLaan

Anonymous said...

Deb and Al and family mom and I are so glad to hear of shawna's progress our prayers and thoughts are with you all, and we hope things continue to make great progress.

God bless

Aunt Alice and Sandra

Anonymous said...

Dear Deb, Al and entire family,
We continue to keep you in our prayers. May our gracious God continue to keep you in His Hands.
Love Joanne Kok and family

Anonymous said...

We are very happy and Thankful to hear that Shawna is progressing and heading in the right direction. Our prayers are with you all and we ask for the continued strength needed to keep going.
God Bless,
the Watson's

Anonymous said...

Wow. All sounds very comforting. Lord wills it, Shawna will be able to read her own blog, and know alot of people were caring and thinking of all that has been done for her.Praise be to our God and Father. He certainly is an awsome God.
Continuing to pray for her continued progress.
Cindy from Smithville

Anonymous said...

Al,Deb,and kids, and Darryl,
Our GOD truly is an awesome GOD. In this sinful and broken world, its amazing to see that by affecting our loved ones, He brings us all together in humbleness before Him. We all are His children, as one suffers we all suffer, likewise as one rejoices we all rejoice together. All Praise, Honour & Glory be to our Heavenly Father, as we through God's providence are brought together. Let His will be done and His steadfast love and promises surround and carry us through these trying times. "Praise God from whom all Blessings flow".

Thinking of you all during this time. Let us all Humble ourselves before His Almighty Throne...

Our GOD is an Awesome God.

Maurice & Lorraine and family