Thanks be to our heavenly Father who continues to uphold his children and give them healing. We continue to pray for Shawna's breathing to stabilize and her brain to make connections. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support and may God bless you with a beautiful Sunday of Praise and worship as we remember the blessed resurrection of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Al and Deb
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Saturday (day58)
Good evening all. Shawna is enjoying all the attention lavished on her by the diligent doctors and nurses here at Haldimand War Memorial Hospital in Dunnville. Its great that members of our congregations here can visit for her stimulation. Keep up the good work! Visiting is 8 am to 8 pm(you can stay a little later, they don't get too excited). The most important thing which happened over the last few days regards her trache. I called the discharge nurse from Hamilton to say how much we enjoyed coming here but also to query her about having the trache removed. It had been corked for 120 hrs plus. Normally they remove traches after 48 hrs corked but Hamilton didn't want to send her away in a possibly unstable condition so they wanted Dunnville to pull it. The doctors and nurses were unable to do that here right away as they don't hardly know her yet. Once Hamilton realized, after my persistance, they gave the order for it to be removed so they were responsible for the order. As a result the trache was successfully removed at 144 hrs. Since I felt responsible for this order I have stayed here so far 23 out of 30 hrs to make sure there is no complications. They do not stich anything closed they just cover the skin and trachea hole with a dressing. When she coughed up some secretions she blew the dressing almost off. I have to keep my hand on the dressing to assist her coughing. She is quite stressed during these episodes fortunately she only had 4 of them in the first 24 hrs. They are becoming less frequent and now her trache is almost closed making it easier to cough and clear secretions. We are pretty sure the secretions were caused by the trache tube as her lungs are pretty clear according to her doctor. In a few days everything will be closed up. It will only take 24 hrs to close the trache . Everything else continues to progress. Communication is starting to be more apparent with hand squeezes and smiles and eye blinks for affirmative answers. This has been a real blessing. Requests from us for her to move body parts and help work against range of motion exercises are responded to a little quicker now. She seems to have good connections to some muscle groups. She will be travelling to Hamilton on Tuesday for her appointments with her doctors. Last night we we suddenly visited by some of the Slaa family. Apparently Fraser Slaa came in for an emergency apendectomy and now he's on the same floor as Shawna. When Shawna went for her wheelchair ride she went to visit him. He's doing pretty good but has to stay for a few days due to infection.
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What wonderful news that Shawna continues to improve! May God continue to uphold you all in the palm of His hand. Have a blessed Easter!
Brandy VanderLei
Praise the Lord for His continued blessings and guidance! We pray that Shawna, the doctors and nurses and each and everyone of you may continue to be upheld by our Father's loving care. May He grant you strength, courage and patience as you stay by Shawna's bedside, waiting for every small sign of improvement.
Tim and Elly Hutten and family
May the Lord continue to sustain you and grant patience as the healing continues.
Enjoy and celebrate this blessed Easter weekend!
In Christian love: Ben & Anita
To day it is EASTER for all of us :
Thine be the glory, risen, conqu'ring Son;
Endless is the victory, Thou o'er death hast won;
Angels in bright raiment rolled the stone away,
Kept the folded grave clothes
where Thy body lay.
Lo! Jesus meets us, risen from the tomb;
Lovingly He greets us,
scatters fear and gloom ;
Let the church with gladness,
hymns of triumph sing ;
For her Lord now liveth,
death hath lost its sting !
No more we doubt Thee,
glorious Prince of life ;
Life is naught without Thee;
aid us in our strife ;
Make us more than conqu'rors,
through Thy deathless love :
Bring us safe through Jordan
to Thy home above.
Thine be the glory,
risen conqu'ring Son.
Endless is the victory,
Thou o'er death hast won !!
The ooms + tantes from Holland.
+ our children.
Dear family and loved ones of Shawna:
What wonderful news again! Shawna has come so far in her recovery. We see again " What is impossible with man, is possible with God". We rejoice with you, and we pray that you also may really have a wonderful Easter Sunday. Now that Shawna is so close to home, we hope to come and visit soon.
With love from the van Ykens.
I've been following your blog since day 1 and its just incredible to see how far God has brought you all.
Happy Easter to everyone!
I continue to pray
We rejoice with you at the progress in Shawna's recovery. We continue to pray to our Great Heavenly Physician that He may grant full recovery in His time. How great and awesome is our God! We are all in the palm of His hands and He knows all of our needs and cares for His covenant children day by day.
Arnold and Anita Hulzebosch and family.
Uncle Al& Aunt Debbie;
Praised be the Lord,
I have been reading all these
posts, and it really is amazing what our Lord can do.
God be with you & Shawna & the family & Darryl.
Kristen Buist
Bethlehems and Daryl
we are glad to hear that Shawna is still improving! You are still in our thoughts and prayers.
the VanderHoevens (and Chris)
Dear Al, Deb, Daryl and Families,
...all thanks be to God!
Everyday we read about the progress Shawna makes. Certainly, prayers are heard! May the Lord continue to grant patience and healing.
Peter, Jean & Boys
We daily pray for Shawna's steady improvment. May the Lord continue to guide her down this healing path and strenthen you all in the process. Our best to you all
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