Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tuesday Afternoon

Greetings from the hospital crowd. Shawna had her CT scan today. The results were less than hopeful. The neurosurgeon explained that shawna has a lot of damage to the sides of her brain, which is still extensively swollen. His prognosis for her rehabilitation was not very good. There will have to be some descisions made in a week as to feeding tube and air tube being placed. Shawna may never be a fully functional adult. Please pray for us as we attempt to digest this information and we again lay our needs at the throne of God's mercy. Al


Anonymous said...

Dear Al, Debbie and those who love Shawna,

Our hearts go out to you as you deal with this disappointing news. We continue to lay your needs and those of Shawna before our Great Physician and Healer. We pray that He will lift you up and carry you through this difficult time. May you feel His nearness, and feel the care and love from the communion of saints all across Ontario

John and Diane Bosscher and family

Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie & Al, family, friends,

The students and staff at Covenant Teachers College daily add their prayers to yours and to those of so many.
We think of Psalm 139 - and know that Father's hand will guide Shawna and you (us); His right hand will hold Shawna and you (us)fast (Ps.139:10) -- now, and always.
For the CCRTC,
Christine van Halen-Faber

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethlehem family
It is hard to hear such news. As hard as it is we may never forget God will be with us in these days as well. He will make sure for these days His strength is also present . Our contiued prayes are there for your family and loved ones of Shwana as these decisions need to be made.
Herman & Jolene DeHaan

Anonymous said...

We continue to pray!!
Richard and Tracey Stam

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethlehem family and Darryl,
Our prayers are not ceasing for your dear daughter. The Lord hears the cries of his children and surrounds you in this terrible time. We pray you are comforted by the promises of the great Redeemer and given much strength.
"I lift up my eyes to the hills - Where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth."

Anonymous said...

Dear Al and Debbie and family,
We continue to pray that the Lord will strengthen you one day at a time and give you what you need to trust that our heavenly Father holds Shawna's life in His hands. We also thank Him for carrying you through the first few difficult days and pray that you all will receive everything you need in the next while. Thank you very much for the updates. Matthew and Gertie VanLuik

Anonymous said...

Dear Shawna's loved ones.

We continue to pray for you all as you deal with this very difficult news. We wish you wisdom and strength from above as you have to came to some hard decisions. May you still know that the Lord is near, and knows your suffering, and shawna's condition.
Lords day 1
Brian and Ina van Andel

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethlehem family and all others who hold Shawna dear,
You continue to be lifted up in prayer to God, and your needs and concerns are brought before His throne of grace. May God continue to sustain you through with strength, patience, understanding, and a rich measure of His peace during this time of uncertainty and anxiety, and may our covenant God continue to surround Shawna with his tender love and mercy. Be strong, and find your trust in the LORD (Psa. 125: 1,2).
Ryan Kampen

Anonymous said...

Dear Al, Debbie, family, Darryl and his family,

The Lord has placed you in a storm in your lives and the storm has increased again. He has promised to uphold you all.
"Fear not for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will streghthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous hand." Isaiah 41:10

Our prayers continue to go up to His throne on your behalf.

Jim and Dorothy Kingma
Raoul, Jack, Jesse

Anonymous said...

Dear Al, Debbie,and children, Darryl,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this very difficult time. May our Great and Holy Father continue to hold you up during these next days. May you continue to receive the strength you need.
Tom and Alice and family

Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie, Al, Darryl and family: Our hearts go out to you as you hear this disappointing news. We are at a loss for words but "the Spirit intercedes for us with sighs to deep for words". We will continue to pray and our Gracious Father hears always. May you be wrapped in His love and care.
Fred and Evelyn and family

Fred and Arlene Ludwig said...

Dear Al, Debbie,Darryl and family,
Our hearts go out to you as you deal with this disappointing news. We continue to pray that God will carry you and give you strength through this difficult time.
Love Arlene,Fred and family

Anonymous said...

Dear Al & Debbie, family and loved ones of Shawna,

We continue to pray for you all, that you may feel the LORD's loving arms around you and that you may be carried by Him through this difficult time.

Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep
All Thy lambs in safety keep.
Nothing can Thy power withstand
None can pluck them from Thy hand.

Aurelio & Ramona D'Addazio

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethlehems and Darryl

It is extremely hard to hear this news. May the LORD surround you with His love and care in this time. May He hold you close so that you can do nothing but cling to Him and His Word.

We pray that the LORD will guide and comfort you all in this time.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor deamons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to seperate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 8: 38, 39

You are in our prayers

John and Mary VanderHoeven
Chris DeBoer and Amanda VanderHoeven

Anonymous said...

Dear Shawna's loved ones,

Thinking of you in this difficult time. We pray that the Lord will be with you and give you strength and patience, and may God be with Shawna and give her all she needs.

Henk and Louise VanderGugten and family

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethlehem family, Darryl and Hoeksema family,
Continue to place all your faith and trust in God, who alone is good. Even as the days ahead seem unbearable, know that God has an Almighty Plan for each one of his children. Day by day He is working out his plan in Shawna, and in each one of you near to her. May you be comforted by these words spoken at her baptism: "He adopts us for His children and heirs, and promises to provide us with all good or turn it to our benefit." (Promised in Romans 8:28)
We continue to think of you and pray for you daily.
Maurice and Lorraine VanSpronsen
Andrew & Kaitlin, Alisha & Tyler, Jon, Jordan, Luke and Lorissa

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethlehem Family (Darryl,
We were very sorry to read the disappointing news you have received today. We remember all of you and Shawna in particular daily in our prayers. May the Lord surround you with His love and care granting you all that you stand in need of in this trying time. May the words of Psalm 121 give you comfort and strength.

With Christian love,

John and Theresa van Doodewaard (Feenstra) Smithville

Anonymous said...

Dear Al, Debbie and family,

Our thoughts and prayers are with you through this difficult times. We pray that the Lord will wrap you with His love and care, and give you strength.

Norm and Sonya Kampen and family

Anonymous said...

Shawna, the Bethlehem family, and Darryl...you are continaully in our thoughts and prayers. May our Gracious God surround you with His love and care...
the VanGrootheests (Pete, Caroline, Vicki, and Kara)

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethlehem family

Shawna and all of you are in my prayers. May you continue to experience the love and communion of the saints. I pray that God, who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or think, may hold you in His arms during this time.

Jonathan Van Schepen

Anonymous said...

Dear Al,Debbie&family
& Darryl,Bill,Jeannie&Kevin
Our thoughts and prayers are with you through this difficult time. May the Lord continue to surround you with HIS Love and give you strength during the coming days.
Cor & Debbie & family

Tim and Elly Hutten said...

Yes, we do continue to pray for each of you. May the Lord continue to grant you strength and comfort.
Tim and Elly Hutten and family

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethlehems and Darryl,

Praying that God will be with Shawna and give her healing. We are also praying that He will fill you all with His strength, guidance and comfort during this time of uncertainty and anxiety. May you be filled with His peace and hold fast to His promises.

Sincerely, Talia Vandersluis

Anonymous said...

To Darryl and the Bethlehem family

Oh the depth of the riches of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths boyond tracing out!" Who has known the mind of the LORD? Or who has been his counseler?" "Who has ever given to God, that God should repay him?" For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. to Him be the glory forever! Amen.

God directs all things in his perfect wisdom! Let this be our comfort in these times. You are constantly in my prayers

Justin Vanandel

Anonymous said...

Dear Al and Deb and family,

Your are in our prayers and thoughts in this difficult time. May the Lord give you strength.

Shaun and Karen DeJonge and family

Anonymous said...

Al, Debbie, and family (including Darryl),

Shawna is such a memorable person. This is difficult news.
I am at a loss for words, but I want you to know we are praying for another miracle and that The Lord will give you all that you need to get through this.

Rich and Jody Tomlin
Emma and Katie

Anonymous said...

May the Lord bless Shawna and all of you. We at Ancaster Church continue to pray for her. May He carry you through this difficult time and grant healing to Shawna.
Rev. George van Popta

Anonymous said...

Shawna we love you!!

Al, Deb, Darryl & family, we pray with you and for you! OUR Lord watches over Shawna! what more can we ask for.


Anonymous said...

To Shawna's family-

I just heard about Shawna through a friend. I've never met her, or any of your family, but it was still hard for me to hear about it. My own sister went through the same thing a year and a half ago- it was a car accident, she was airlifted to General in a coma, her pelvis was broken, her brain was swelling, and we really didn't know how bad the damage was- all the same things that you're going through.
When i first heard about the accident, i was told that she had a 10% chance of being the way she was before. It was awful to hear that. My family spent the next weeks waiting, crying, praying with friends and relatives. I wandered around the halls of General, praying. I totally expected that even if she eventually came out of it in good health, she would be a different person. but we still desperately prayed that'd she'd fully recover.
And she did recover- it took many months and a lot of patience, but she is fully recovering- a real miracle.
I wanted to tell you this because i hope you can find some strength knowing that others have gone through the same thing that you are going through right now.
My family really felt the amazing love and support of our church community in that time, and i think we were drawn closer to God too. We were forced to either trust Him or to give up hope totally- i saw both sides at General- people who were completely empty and hopeless, but also families who trusted in God and found strength in that.
I don't know what plan God has for Shawna, but I'll pray for her and I'll pray that all this will make your family stronger in Him and a brighter witness to the world- a living example of what true faith and hope is about

Jim Fluit

Anonymous said...

dear darryl & the bethlehems

we're prayinng for all of you as you deal with this disappointing news. May God be with you as you digest this information. Lean on Him in this difficult time.

In Christ,
Alisha Kok & Ryan Hordyk

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethlehem Family & Darryl

We wish you the Lord's strength and blessing at this time. We will continue to remember you in our prayers. He is faithful.

William & Tracy Ravensbergen & family

Anonymous said...

Dear Darryl,Bethlehems, and all who love Shawna

I Will Praise You in This Storm - Casting Crowns

I was sure by now,God, that You would have reached down
and wiped our tears away,
stepped in and saved the day.
But once again, I say amen
and it's still raining
as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain,
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away.

And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I remember when I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry to You
and raised me up again
my strength is almost gone how can I carry on
if I can't find You
and as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away


I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth


Shawna, God is with you every step of the way.

Joel Linde

Anonymous said...

Shawna, family, and friends,

You are constantly in our prayers. God will give you the strength and patience you need in these difficult times, so that you may take it day by day.
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it`s own. " Matt 6:34

Tim & Deanna VanPykeren & family

Anonymous said...

We continue to pray with you for strength and healing. We know that with God ALL things are possible.

John and Marian Blokker

Anonymous said...

Dear Al, Debbie &family,

What a shock it is to hear of Shawna's accident and the following surgeries. Our hearts go out to all of you.We know what a helpless feeling it can be as a parent to stand by and watch your child suffer.We also know that God is the Great Healer and that He works miracles constantly, no matter what anybody humanly can predict. We pray for all of you daily. May God grant you strenghth to face each day,knowing of all the prayers sent up for Shawna and your family.

Bill and Rolean Aasman and family

Anonymous said...

Al, Debbie, Darryl and family,

What a disappointment after seeing so much progress! However, we must never forget that with God all things are possible.

May the knowledge that friends, family and even many who do not know you are praying for Shawna's recovery be a comfort to all of you.

All of you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

Arend and Willa Dale Smid

Anonymous said...

Psalm 46
For the director of music. Of the Sons of Korah. According to Alamoth. A song.

1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,

3 though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging.

4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.

5 God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.

6 Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts.

7 The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.

8 Come and see the works of the LORD, the desolations he has brought on the earth.

9 He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth; he breaks the bow and shatters the spear, he burns the shields with fire.

10 "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

11 The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.

Mr.&Mrs. Sean&Becky, Will&Katie, Darryl, Jess, AJ, Eric and Darren, and everyone else,

Praying with you and for you,

Jonathan Slaa

Anonymous said...

I have never met any of you but I know of your family through a friend. I am so sorry to hear what has happened to Shawna and want you to know that I'm praying for you all, for the healing and comfort that only God our Father can give.
Brandy VanderLei - Washington State

Anonymous said...

Hi Alan and Debbie, family and loved ones,
You are always in our thoughts and prayers. I can't imagine what you are going through but I do know we share the same hope in our loving Saviour, and entrust our lives to him. God knows at the beginning of each day what is going to happen, and nothing surprises or baffles him. He will give you and Shawna what you need.
Psalm 94 tells us, "When I said, 'My foot is slipping,' your love O LORD supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul."
Bob and Freda Jagt and family

sandra said...

our thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of need, may God give you the strength to make it through this difficult time. thinking of you.

aunt Alice and sandra

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethlehem Family and Darryl,

You are all constantly in our prayers and thoughts and we ask that the Lord give healing to Shawna and much strength to all those whose love and care for her. The Lord is our great Physician and Healer and He can do wondrous things and he will hear all our prayers.

Art & Cheryl Hopman and family

Anonymous said...

Dear Al,Debbie,family and friends,

Our Lord has taught us to love Him unconditionally and look to Him for our strength from day to day. In the coming days you will experience ups and downs as Shawna's condition changes.
It is comforting to know that our God is unchanging and will give you the needed strength to deal with what ever will happen.
We continue to remember you in our prayers
Warren, MaryAnn and family.

Anonymous said...

Dear Al and Debbie and family, Bill and Jeannie, Darryl and Kevin,
Just to let you know, as many others have, that we are praying for you that the Lord may strengthen and comfort you as you go through this difficult time.
Tom and Sandra Linde and family

Anonymous said...

Dear Al and Debbie and family:

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all! We pray that the Lord will grant healing to Shawna and to be a comfort to you in your time of need.
May you experience the Lord's nearness and mercy!

Al and Mirjam Schulenberg (vanderBrugghen) and family
Carman, Manitoba

Mike & Gerie Simpson said...

Al we are so sorry to hear about your daughter, we can't imagine the pain and anquish you are going through at this time. we are thinking of you and are hearts go out to you and Debbie at this time.
we too will be praying for shawna and we hope for the best

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethlehem and Hoeksema families,
You are in our constant thoughts and prayers. May God comfort you in these difficult times and may you be at peace knowing that God is in control of all things. We will continue to pray for Shawna and all of you.
Andy and Lois Schipper and family

Anonymous said...

Dear Al, Debbie, Family and Freinds.
Our prayers and thoughts go out to you as you struggle with this news. We trust that you are lifted up by the grace of GOD and the support of family and friends. We think of the words of 2 Cor. 5:1 where we are reminded of our temporal nature and the "house not built by human hands" that awaits us. We continue to pray for your strength, also pysically, as you deal with this news, because we know that HE can do wonderful things and will answer our prayers. Frank and Wendy DeVries and family.

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethlehem and Hoeksema families:
You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. May Our good and gracious God continue to be your comfort and strength.

He's a friend to the lonely,
A safe hiding place;
We can always find shelter
In God's loving embrace.
He's the comforting presence
We seek in the night;
In life's darkest hour,
He's an unfailing light.
In the shadows of doubt,
In the depths of despair,
In the absence of hope,
Be assured God is there.
He will never forsake you
Nor leave you alone,
For the Shepherd is faithful
To care for His own.
Written by: B.J.Hoff

Wim and Joanne Aalbers
Danielle, Tyler, Connor & Darryl

Unknown said...

Dear Al,Debbie,Shawna,and family

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May the love of God surround Shawna and your family and place her in the palm of His hand.

Isaiah 40:31- but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Art and Nancy Post

Anonymous said...

Our family is praying for your family
James & Sonja Heeringa (vanderwoude)

Anonymous said...

dear al, debbie & family

my our Father in heaven cont. to give you all that you need to carry on from day to day!
we are keeping all of you in our paryers!

Jake & Marie and the Ravensbergen family

Anonymous said...

"God honours prayer....He longs to demonstrate His power in the tremendous trials that jar us like thunder, and in the pinprick troubles that annoy us. Great needs are never too great for His power; dwarf-sized ones are never too small for His love." (W & R Meyers)

Our prayers are with you continuously,

Brian, Ann, Tegan, Samantha, Sean and Ruth Smith

Anonymous said...

Dear Debbie and Al and Family,

We will continue to pray for Shawna and for strength for you as parents.

Jennifer (Davies), Jordan and Samuel

Anonymous said...

Dear Al & Debbie & family and Bill & Jeannie, Darryl & Kevin and all who love Shawna:
Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you all as you deal with this new situation. God carries us through storms and we will continue to pray earnestly for Shawna and you all in whatever His will is. For we know that God can do all things.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

Ed & Lorraine Feenstra & family.

Felicia Vandervelde said...

My prayers and thoughts are with you continually as you deal with the uncertainty of the coming days-Cling to the Certainty that we have in our Lord Jesus Christ!
Psalm 55:22
"Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall"
Felicia Vandervelde

Anonymous said...

Aunt Debbie, Uncle Al, Will & Katie, Becky & Shaun, Darryl, Jessica, Alan, Eric and Darrin

Even as you go
Through this difficult time
Know that there are many
who hold you close in their minds.

In health and in sickness
in peace and in strife,
many people are with you
to help you through life.

Often life rolls on
with no thought of any harm
not often are there times
when we do not feel charmed

When hard times come along
and we don't know what to do
All that we can offer
are prayers to comfort you.

Know that God is near,
the devil has been banned
For God holds Shawna's life
In the centre of God's hand.

We can do nothing more then trust
in HIS eternal grace
and know that even if she leaves us,
she then will see HIS face.

This is our great comfort
and though it is so hard
we must all keep on hoping
and trusting in our LORD.

I love you all and pray for you constantly as you deal with this latest news.

Love Sarah Beintema & Colin Hekert

Anonymous said...

Dear Al, Debbie & family, Darryl, Bill, Jeannie & family:

The Weaver

My life is but a weaving between my Lord and me,
I cannot choose the colors He worketh steadily.

Oft times He weaveth sorrow, and I in foolish pride
forget He sees the upper but I the under side.

Not till the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly,
shall God unroll the canvas and explain the reason why.

The dark threads are as needed in the Weaver's skillful hand,
as threads of gold and silver in the pattern life has planned.

Author Unknown

Our continued thoughts and prayers for you and yours, in Christian love

Dennis & Marg Muis, Kristin & Ryan, Brandy & Adam, Jonathan, Mitchel, Amber & Nathan, & family

Anonymous said...

Dear Al & Debbie, Darryl, and Family

Our thoughts and prayers are always with you as you are going through this most difficult time. We do not know what the Lord has planned for Shawna. May you find your strength and trust with the words of Psalm 56:3-4,
"When I am afraid I will trust in you, In GOD whose word I praise, in GOD I trust, I will not be afraid."
May He continue to be with you all, and give you the strength and trust you will need in the days to come, knowing that in Him all things are for our good and for His praise.

Ed and Alice Kelly and family