Monday, January 28, 2008

Monday Morning

The Lord answers prayers! Yesterday, thousands of prayers from many congregations went up asking for the Lord to heal Shawna.

Al called this morning to say that the swelling in her brain is going down visibly. Her face looks almost normal. There is still swelling around her ears. This is what the doctors told the family to look for.
Shawna's heartbeat is steady and her blood pressure is good.

This morning Shawna will undergo a CT scan which hopefully will confirm all of this. Most importantly the scan will report whether or not there is still bleeding in her brain.

Al and Debbie, Darryl and family are very thankful for all of your kind words and prayers. This encouragement gives them strength. Please continue to hold them up before the Lord. We know He answers prayers.



Tim and Elly Hutten said...

Dear Al and Debbie and family and Darryl:
We are thankful with all of you for the latest news
You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. We pray that the Lord may grant each of you strength, courage and comfort during this incredibly difficult time. We pray that the Lord may also be with the doctors and nurses who are taking care of Shawna. She is in His hands and He will continue to uphold her in His loving care.
Tim and Elly Hutten and family

For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, "Fear not, I will help you."

jeannette said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jeannette said...

So happy to hear this! We'll still keep praying.
God bless

Anonymous said...

Dear Al & Debbie & family & Darryl & family:
Thanks be to God for answering so many prayers!! May He, the Great Physician, continue to be with Shawna and you all as you go through this difficult time. It must be a great comfort to you all knowing that so many brothers and sisters are upholding you but it is also a comfort to US to see how God works in Shawna. May He continue to be with you all!
Love from Ed and Lorraine,
Amanda, Josh, Jodi & Kaleb.

Anonymous said...

this is good news and shows us GODS care for his people . we will continue to pray for healing and guidance from him .

John / Joanne Schulenberg and family
Alida Jansema

Anonymous said...

How amazing that at the click of a button we can come here and hear of an update about Shawna.
We are joyful with you to hear this good news today. We will continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers...We know that with our merciful Father all things are possible.
Chris and Rebecca Spoelstra

Anonymous said...

Al and Debbie and family and Darryl:
You are in our thoughts and prayers,may the Lord be your strength in this difficult time. We rejoice with each improvement Shawna makes.
Hans and Coby Bartels

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kate for starting this blog. We thank God with you all for the progress thus far. We pray He may continue to sustain Shawna and all of you.

Andy and Cora Muis and family

Anonymous said...

Dear Al and Debbie and family,

It was most encouraging to see and hear the hope you have for Shawna is grounded in trust in our faithful God. It was with mixed feelings that we visited yesterday since MaryAnn and I have sat in those chairs in that wing as we prayed for God to restore our Sandy. We have also felt that anxiety and yet we can now see and visit our restored daughter. We know that the road to recovery will be challenging and we do not know the Lord's plan for Shawna.
You are in our thouights and prayers.
Love from Warren, MaryAnn, Norm, Christie, and Kayley

Anonymous said...

Al, Debbie,family and Darryl:
We are so thankfull to hear the good news. You are all constantly in our thoughts and prayers. May God continue to grant you all strength during these next days and weeks. Shawna, you are in the best hands in the world, you are in God's hands. May He continue to grant healing.
Tom and Alice, Samantha, Alyssa, Kristopher, Natalie, Thomas and Jeremy, Justin

Anonymous said...

Al and Debbie and family,

We have been praying ferverantly to our Lord for Shawna and also for the rest of your family, that He will restore Shawna and that He may give you as her parents all the patience, hope and comfort that we all have in His faithfulness and promises. Know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers and we know that miracles can happen because with the Lord all things are possible because all things are in His hands. We are so glad that its Monday morning and Shawna has lived to be here with you, and we pray that the hands of the doctors will be guided by the hands of the Master physician.

Love Bill and Rolean Aasman and family

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bethlehem, Darryl and family
You all are in my thoughts and prayers daily. I am thankful to read the latest news about Shawna and pray that the LORD will continue to be with her.
Place your hope and trust in the LORD. He hears your cries and will help you through everything.
Amanda VanderHoeven

Anonymous said...

Al and Debbie, Darryl and Family..
This is really good news to hear..
It is amazing what the power of prayer can do..
Shawna is constantly in the prayers of many people, and
I pray that the Lord gives you strength in hard times like these..
1 peter 5:7 " Cast all your anxietys on Him, because He cares for You"

Jen Heemskerk

Anonymous said...

Dear Al, Debbie, family and Darryl

We rejoice with you in this step forward and pray that our Heavenly Father will continue to give you all the strength you may need to get through each day no matter what it brings.
We also pray that the nurses and doctors will be given the insight and ability to help Shawna and you each step of the way.
Shawna and your family are in our prayers.
Nathan & Aileen Diek
Taryn & Aiden

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethlehems

I am so glad to hear the good news about Shawna. My boyfriend and I will continue to pray for her and all of you. May you find comfort in God and in each other during this hard time.

Christina Aasman

Anonymous said...

Dear Al, Debbie and Family and Darryl and family:
"I lift up my eyes to the hills - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord. He will not your foot slip - he who watches over you will NOT slumber... The Lord watches over you...both now and forever more." (parts of PS 121) These words have come to my mind many times in the last little while, and they have given me much strength. May God's strength and care continue to uphold you all. We continue to pray for Shawna and you all. Love Marg, Andy and Jason Mans

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that your family is in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless!

Ben and Amanda Knegt and family

Anonymous said...

The Lord is merciful and hears our prayers! We are so thankful that the news so far appears to be promising. May God continue to keep Shawna and her loved ones in his care. We will continue to pray for healing and give thanks for what he has given.
Henry and Angela Dekker and family

anita hulzebosch said...

Al, Debbie, Darryl and family:
We are very thankful for the progress in Shawna's condition this morning. We pray with you and for you all that the Lord will hear and answer our prayers and grant healing for your daughter Shawna. May He continue to surround you all in His loving care and give you strength during this difficult time.
Arnold and Anita Hulzebosch and family.

Anonymous said...

Dear Al and Debbie and family and Darryl,
"God has not promised skies always blue,
Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through;
God has not promised sun without rain,
Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.
But God has promised strength for the day,
Rest for the labour, light for the way,
Grace for the trials, help from above,
Unfailing sympathy, undying love."
Annie Johnson Flint
We are continuing to pray for Shawna. May our Heavenly Father continue to give you the strength you reqire during this difficult time
Sincerely, Ben and Rachel, Emmalyne, Isaac Helder

Anonymous said...

Al, Debbie, Darryl and family,

What wonderful news! We pray that the CT scan may confirm that things are moving in the hoped-for direction.

May our heavenly Father continue to hold all of you in His healing arms.

You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

Arend and Willa Dale Smid

arie and lois muis said...

Dear Al,Debbie,Darryl and family.You are in our thoughts and prayers.Praying that the LORD be with you in this difficult time. May He grant healing.Arie,Lois Muis and family.

Kristen Alyssa Buist said...

Uncle Al, Aunt Debbie & family
I was shocked when I heard that Shawna was in a accident. I have been praying for Shawna in every single one of my prayers, and I didn't have to tell my teacher Mr. De Bruin which is Shawna's great uncle I'm told, to pray for her because he already knew. We also had a great big discussion about her. I didn't even really know or talk to Shawna, but it is still really sad for me, because I go camping with you guys every year. Well all my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Kristen Buist

Anonymous said...

Dear bethlehem family & Darryl
It was such a blessing to see that God has cotnuie to carry Shawna in these difficult days . We can be contiually comforted that God will never leave our side even when time can be so rough.("Footprints in the sand") . It is our contiued prayer that God will contiue to grant healing with Shawna , wisdom to the Doctor and nurses and His contiued care over all those who are loving and supporting her.
All the best Herman & Jolene DeHaan

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bethlehem, Darryl, and family:
We are so happy to hear this news! Shawna has been in all of our prayers. May God give you strength and patience to get through these difficult days! We hope to visit you soon. We will continue to pray for you and Shawna, that each day she may get a little stronger!
Love Jon and Sharon

Anonymous said...

Dear Deb and Al
we're very shocked and sorry to hear about Shawna's accident. We are thankful for the progress she has made so far, and wish you the Lord's strength in the days ahead. Our thoughts and prayers are with you
Jeff and Evelyn Dykstra and family

Anonymous said...

Dear Al, Debbie & Fam.
Thinking and praying for you all during this difficult time. We are thankful for the healing made so far.... may the Lord continue to give strength and restore Shawna's health. Al & Deb, we pray that the Lord will also provide for you and your family during this crisis.
Pete&Jean VW
Brad, Darren, Jeremy, Matthew and Chris

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr & Mrs Bethlehem & Family

I was just informed of Shawnas accident tonight, and I want you to know I am praying for her recovery, and the strenght of your family to hold together in this trying time. As you know me and my family have just gone through the same thing with Kris. I know how hard this is on you seeing your daughter, sister, girl friend, and friend this way just know it just gets better from here. You just have to stay strong and you will get through this. Were all praying for you. Love Ashley Linde and Family

Anonymous said...

Dear Bethlehem family and Darryl, We are praying that the Lord gives you strength and comforts you though this difficult time. We also pray that the Lord guides the nurses and doctors who are taking care of Shawna.
Love Bill, Monique, Courtney, Brittany, Cody, Bradley and Jesse Jongsma